Keys to Freedom One Day Event


Nov 23rd


350 kr.

Can't attend the full conference from November 19-23? This one-day event is a great opportunity for you! You'll get concentrated insights and practical tools to understand and work through shame and guilt.

Are you or someone you know affected by shame or guilt? These feelings affect many young people and can be overwhelming. In this one-day event, we will dive into how shame and guilt affect us, and most importantly, how we can find healing and freedom from these heavy burdens.

We offer a day filled with insightful presentations and practical tools that you can take home with you. You will also learn how you can best support others in their journey towards freedom from shame and guilt. It's a unique opportunity to gain personal insight and be equipped to help others in your network.

Remember to register early - we look forward to seeing you!

Date & Time:
Saturday, November 23
Registration: 8:00 - 8:30
Event time: 8:45 - 16:00


‍Focuson the area of shame & guilt that many young people struggle with.
Learn about how these issues affect us and how to receive healing.
Gain insight into how to help others experience freedom.

DKK 350.
Includes lunch and afternoon coffee.

Lavanya Dua

Dr. Lavanya Dua is an ordained minister from Equippers Church Surrey in England and is involved in leadership and pastoral care in the church. She practiced as a medical doctor for more than 30 years before entering full-time ministry in a church setting. Lavanya has exceptional knowledge in the whole area of good mental health, healing and deliverance. She has an anointed ability to help people into the freedom God has for them and to teach and equip others in this area of ministry. Her passion is to help people to physical healing, freedom from anxiety, depression and negative thought patterns through a combination of powerful biblical truths, the latest science and by experiencing the healing power of God. Lavanya has traveled around Europe and Asia sharing this life-changing message in conferences, seminars, workshops and local churches, and is a personal coach to many.
