Become a Global University Student at Acts Academy

Enroll as a student at Acts Academy and study on campus with intensive coaching or remain flexible and choose the distance-learning option and study from wherever and whenever you want.

Acts Academy's partnership with Global University offers the opportunity to study at an undergraduate level and enhance your knowledge of the Bible and theology. Whether you are a student at Acts Academy or someone who is looking for a flexible, in-depth study program for personal enrichment or for academic credentials, you can profit from Global University's wide range of courses in Biblical education.

Global University is a fully accredited non-profit Christian University based out of Springfield, Missouri, United States. As a worldwide distance learning pioneer, the university integrates education and service through a network in 150 countries. Acts Academy serves as a network office in Denmark.


+ On-campus studies at Acts Academy
+ Distance-learning with support groups or independently


+ Internationally recognized courses and degrees
+ Approved for ministry accreditation within the Apostolic Church Denmark


+ Competitive prices to be paid on a 'pay-as-you-go' basis
+ Included in the price if you study at Acts Academy

For your studies with Global University through Acts Academy, you have two options:

  • Join us as a student at Acts Academy and choose to take courses with Global University. We will find the right program for you, and you will profit from an inspiring study environment, cutting-edge teaching on the Bible and theology, and intensive coaching, so you can get the study skills and the knowledge you need to succeed in your university courses. If you add Global University to your Acts Academy schedule, you will understand and experience the Bible on a whole new level!

  • Become a Global University student and enroll in one of their distance-learning programs through our network office at Acts Academy. We will find a program that suits your interests and needs. Global University offers a great amount of flexibility, so your studies can fit into your schedule. Study when and from where you want! We will support you throughout the process, provide study tools and tips to help you succeed, and help facilitate study groups to foster exchange.

At a glance! Study with Global University at Acts Academy

On-Campus Studies with Global University at Acts Academy

Distance Learning as a Global University Student

  • work towards a certificate or start with a bachelor program
  • profit from cutting-edge teaching at Acts Academy that complement Global University courses
  • work towards a certificate or start with a bachelor program
  • dive deeper into the Bible and Theology with the comprehensive Global University course material
  • be in direct contact with teachers at Acts Academy and get intensive coaching on study skills in our study elective
  • study in a faith-based environment
  • included for students enrolled at Acts Academy
  • competitive prices on a 'pay-as-you-go' basis
  • internationally recognized courses and degrees
  • approved for ministry accreditation within the Apostolic Church Denmark
  • approved for ministry accreditation within the Apostolic Church Denmark
  • internationally recognized courses and degrees
  • work full or part-time while you study
  • study independently or with support groups

Global University offers different programs. Depending on your needs, interests, and previous education, we will choose the right program for you.

Certificate Programs

Certificate Programs are a great choice for those who want to study for credit but do not want to commit to a full degree program yet. This is a great way to gain a basic knowledge and train in specific areas related to the Bible and theology.(Certificate courses may be applied to a Bachelor program though requirements vary.)

The Bible Interpreter Certificate is designed to develop or enhance basic knowledge and skills related to proper understanding, interpretation, and application of the Bible.


  • Old Testament Literature: His Story
  • The New Testament as Literature
  • The Life of Christ in the Synoptic Gospels
  • Principles of Biblical Interpretation
  • The Bible and the Church

The Christian Mission Certificate is designed to develop or enhance basic knowledge and skills related to intercultural studies and the practice of missions.


  • Great Commission Strategies
  • Introduction to Missions
  • The Bible and Missions
  • People and Their Beliefs
  • Cross-Cultural Communications

Other certificates include:

  • Certificate in Bible and Theology
  • Certificate in Pastoral Counseling
  • Christian Communicator Certificate
  • General Studies Certificate

Bachelor Programs

Bachelor Programs are designed for those who want to gain the biblical and theological knowledge necessary for students to carry out Christian ministry in the local church and/or to pursue advanced academic studies. Depending on your educational background, various programs are available.

For students in a qualifying international education system

  • Bachelor of Arts in Bible and Theology
  • Bachelor of Arts in Christian Education
  • Bachelor of Arts in Intercultural Studies

Shorter second Bachelor program for students who already have a university degree

  • Bachelor of Arts in Bible and Theology
  • Bachelor of Arts in Christian Education
  • Bachelor of Arts in Intercultural Studies

* Please note that your individual study time can vary based on your personal schedule and capacity.

For a complete overview of GU undergraduate courses and programs, please download course catalog

Download catalog


Global University Undergraduate Courses for the academic year 2023/24 (Network Office at Acts Academy, Denmark)*

  • Application fee (one-time fee)
  • Per course (includes tuition, services support fee and study guide)
  • 2100 DKK
  • 500 DKK

Main fees

  • Re-activation
  • Student transcripts (excl. shipping)
  • 50 DKK
  • Course Re-Enrollment
  • Exam retake fee
  • 300 DKK
  • 1800 DKK
  • 300 DKK

Other fees

* Prices are valid for the academic year from August to June. Additional fees for certain services, such as a change of programs, degree audits, etc. might apply.


The Global University Network Office Denmark at Acts Academy is here to serve you and support you throughout your studies.

Contact us for more information at:

Together we will choose the right program for you!