Get Involved

Be part of a new story.

Find the way that suits you best

You can help write a new story, be part of a new time at Bible school. Even if you can't go to Bible school now, or have already been there, you can help us. Below you can read more about what role you can play.

Join our skilled volunteer team

If you love Jesus and you love people, if you can simultaneously interpret in Danish/English, if you're good in the kitchen, practical, can clean, produce media material or something completely different, we'd love to hear from you.

You can volunteer to varying degrees:

Live-in volunteer employee with board, lodging and pocket money. You can volunteer for 3, 6 or even 12 months or even longer? 

Regular, weekly helper when you are able to give a few hours on a regular weekly basis.

Volunteer for special events. From time to time we have larger events in the house or groups of guests that require extra hands.

Connect with us on Social Media

Like us on Facebook, share and comment. Follow us on Instagram. It helps us more than you might think!
Talk about us to your friends, colleagues, in your church. Be the link between the school and potential students. If you don't already receive our newsletter, sign up so you can stay up to date.

Pray For Us

No matter how skilled we are, we will always be dependent on the Spirit of God to work with wisdom, power, anointing and revelation. That's why we need as many of you as possible to join us in praying for God's will to be done every single day! 

Not by power, and not by strength, but by my spirit, says the Lord of hosts! Zec. 4:6.

Help others at school - Support Elevfonden!

You have the opportunity to help more people at school by making tax-deductible donations to the student fund (direct support for students' school fees).
When you give to the student fund, your money multiplies: You get a tax deduction (§8A), the student's school fees are covered, and the school receives state support for the student!
Students can apply for the fund when they continue after the first semester.

Transfer of accounts: 1569 - 0002056666 and mark the deposit "Elevfonden"