Bedeugen 2024


January 29 - February 2, 2023


From 1,849 DKK

The focus of the course is prayer. The course is organized in collaboration with Bedehus Denmark and brings together people from the wider ecclesiastical landscape in Denmark.

Bedehus Danmark invites you to a national prayer gathering in Kolding, 29.1.2024 - 2.2.2024

The headline for the week is "Take care of the land" It will provide a framework for teaching and prayer in a world characterized by violent unrest, demonstrations, anti-Semitism and war.

Denmark is in focus, but also the immense suffering and pain that the war in Ukraine and Israel brings to millions of people.

There will be lectures by Danish speakers, but also lecturers from abroad, e.g. Switzerland.

Where are we heading, what is current and what are God's prophetic words and inspiration for us today.

So please pray that everything works out according to God's will - and most importantly, plan to attend!

Practical information

As in previous years, the prayer days are at Acts Academy, Kolding.

For any further information, please contact us by email at

Looking forward to the community with you

Acts Academy and Bedehus Denmark

Bent and Birthe Christiansen, Kresten Holmsgaard, Peter Tinggaard, Inger Porsen, Frede Verner Hansen and Rakul Kristiansen
